Ranges of HV modules
1000 V module
output voltage
0 to 1000 V
output voltage resolution
0.25 V/bit
output current
0 to 10000 µA
output current resolution
5 µA/bit
2000 V module
output voltage
0 to 2000 V
output voltage resolution
0.5 V/bit
output current
0 to 5000 µA
output current resolution
2 µA/bit
3000 V module
output voltage
0 to 3000 V
output voltage resolution
1 V/bit
output current
0 to 3000 µA
output current resolution
1 µA/bit
4000 V module
output voltage
0 to 4000 V
output voltage resolution
2 V/bit
output current
0 to 2000 µA
output current resolution
0.5 µA/bit
5000 V module
output voltage
0 to 5000 V
output voltage resolution
2 V/bit
output current
0 to 1000 µA
output current resolution
0.5 µA/bit
output HV
0.15 %
voltage measurement
0.1 %
current measurement
0.1 %
current output in current limitation
0.5 %
0.1 %
RS-232 (TxD, RxD, GND)
Baud rate
9600 Bd
8 bit, 1 stop bit, no parity
230 VAC, 50/60 Hz
19" × 3U ×
250 mm (483 × 132 × 250 mm)
8 kg